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What's the Arena for?

In the Arena you can fight either in single player against monsters from your unlocked regions, or you can fight other players in the multiplayer arena.

How do I make money?

There are many different approaches to making money, there are free dailies that give money or special items such as the Cave of Mysteries or Mine. There are also general quests such as the Bladesmith or loot specific quests such as Owl Collector. You can also earn money from completing mission levels such as Adventure to the Top of Retribution Island and Guardians Lagoon Rescue Mission. Another way is to go to the Single Player and battle the various creatures from the regions you have unlocked. After defeating the creature, they will give you gold and if you are lucky some items as well.

Why cant I fight?

In order to fight you need stamina and health. To first gain stamina and health you need to use your clothes/weapons, which can be found on the Shops page or through quests or missions.(Early on you shouldn't waste all your money on clothing or weapons as then you can't complete quests or buy vegetables or drinks for health and stamina.)

Oh no! I'm all out of stamina! what do I do?

In order to refill your stamina you can use either a drink from the Drink's Shop or a fruit from the Fruit's Shop!(Hint: Expensive doesn't always mean better.)

Oh no! I'm all out of health! what do I do?

You hope that you are recitated quickly or you can just buy a vegetable from the Vegetable's Shop or a fruit from the Fruit's Shop to heal yourself up.

OMG I have no room in my inventory!! what do I do?

Buy more slots!Or you can simply move the items you do not currently need to your storage.

How do I use the storage system?

You press the item icon (not "use") and when its on the right side("Quick Stock") menu you click the put in storage button.

I have too much useless loot from monsters!

No you don't, every item has a use!If it bothers you that much though, you can always place it in your storage for safe keeping or sell it in Trades

I wanna be the very best, but what items to get?!

To become the very best you can use the Database option to see which items have the stats you desire!

I want to see how my friends character compares to mine, how can I see his character?

You can check out his character by going to the Character view and there you can check out the best player by typing his name. For example : Dor.

I've been trying to defeat this monster, but I just can't and I don't have money for an upgrade, what can I do?

You can use special potions for extra abilities/damage such as the Radioactive elixir that can be earned from the Chemist.

I want a better weapon!

You better start crafting then! Get a crafting book from quests such as the Bladesmith or fight monsters in single player. After you get a crafting book, you need to use it and then go to the Welder and craft your own sword.

I don't have the crafting materials for the sword I want, what do I do?

Well you can get them as random single player drop, from the mine, from the mysterious cave, or you can even salvage an existing sword in your inventory at the Welder's.

How do I get usable items?

Usable items can be gained from missions, quests, or from random single player drops.